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  • I have already found out it is not possible to change the layout dimensions in runtime normally, however, I am asking if there are any ways to work around this?

    I am making a level editor for my game and it would be very handy to be able to change the layout size directly with a slider, with minimum and maximum level sizes.

    One idea is to define my own borders within a layout at max size but that method would be very complicated and tedious to implement for such a basic mechanic, and I'm not sure if it would even work. Not to mention if I ever wanted to adjust the maximum and minimum level sizes it would be a huge task.

    Simply, is there anything I could do to change the layout dimensions in runtime, even with javascript or plugins of some sort?

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  • Thank you so much lionz! it works perfectly now just by changing that one condition.

    i still don't quite understand why it works for 'On Collision' but not for 'Object is Overlapping.. Trigger once' since I thought they worked the same way but I suppose I'm silly lol

  • First time using the forum lol, a bit of a noob

    Simply, I have (any) number of instances of an object in the layout, and when my character (another object) overlaps an instance, I want that instance to do things such as: change animations, add to a global variable, and activate behaviors.

    My question is how do I achieve this? At the moment it only happens once, the player overlaps an instance and the instance lights up, but then it will not do it again with any other instance.

    I simply want every instance that is touched to activate the same way.

    Wondering if I can get the ID of the instance being overlapped and then pick it by that ID.


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