yeah it works its very nice lol
Happy now cause I got 38 new high score
idk if im just dumb but lvl 5 is so hard for me
fun but really hard lol
wow thats cool will help in me and my freinds games later
edit- link doesnt work
BRO FOR DYANSATY CAN YOU ADD A KING THATS SPAWNS KNIGHTS please it would be like the goblin but instead of a land mine it could be a flag or somthin
hey creator or someone who adds stuff to the game can you please add a map or two where there is lava/water and if you touch the lava it slowly ticks down your health and for the water map it could be you would need to jump by pressing ^ the up arrow to stay afloat but please don't make the whole map the lava or water just some places. also if you don't like those a mind control character would be nice for the maps.
can you add the fisherman back from the old game for the atlantis zone or add a a version of him but as a octopus for a head and arms
fisher man please for alantes or add a octopus man with fisher mans attack and void nigja's speshil
can you make a soda character like a type pyro class PLEASE thx
AMAZING but sadly the 3 and 4 player don't work but other then that its great!
can we PLEASE get a type of pyro class character where they use a soda of some sort like coca cola or a custom drink like the cloud crusher as a weapon and the special could be a orange, yellow ect cloud of soda streaming to the ground. concept art
Member since 30 Mar, 2022