Point us to the tutorials, we can trouble shoot that for you...
It's hard to advance forward if you are avoiding certain features... (learned that the hard way)
Sending you a PM now...
I currently have one of the 3rd party plugins installed... I did go and check, and it is available there... so I guess I'll use that.
Thanks for explaining that Facebook update system...
Awesome I'll take a look!
Seems quite complicated...
I had a project a while back that it would have been handy... but I'll proly just find a work around...
Thanks anyway!
I don't mean to necro (I don't know if that's a big deal when talking about plugins)
Is this plugin ever going to be released?
I have a few questions:
Say I publish a game with the correct permissions today.
Facebook updates it's API, does it break my game? or only for new projects?
Is there a way to use a string to ask for permission instead of the current method?
Low rep? strange, you have one of those gold badges and I don't
Sending the PM with my email now...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Would something like sine work?
Use the "add to" (assuming this is a global variable)
Login works, but only if you don't try and login with permissions...
Although the Facebook plugin is broke... well, outdated I should say...
My bug report on the matter:
Glad to hear it
Member since 18 Sep, 2014