$user = $_GET['user'];
also.. remove dots from $user - mysql_query ("CREATE TABLE .$user. (
mysql_query ("CREATE TABLE $user (
this should work..
<?php $host = ""; $login = "u33678"; $pass = "123456"; $dbname = "u33678"; $user = $_GET['user']; @header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); @header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); @header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $link = mysql_connect ($host, $login, $pass); mysql_select_db ($dbname , $link) or die("FUUUCK"); mysql_query ("CREATE TABLE $user (id int not null auto_increment,pole1 varchar(10) not null,PRIMARY KEY(id))"); ?>[/code:i4cv1kig]
but some characters is not loading, like ç , ~ and so on which is non english characters...
try to save your text file with UTF-8 Encoding
so it must start in left-top corner ...
Set position to ViewportLeft(layer);ViewportTop(leyer) ?
Google Drive 502 Bad Gateway Error
On Aug 31, 2016, we will discontinue serving content via[id] and the webpages will not be accessible anymore.
Can i simply use event or may i need a MySQL server ?
you need Ajax(in C2) to send "signal -I die"..php to add 1 to count and some place to store data..
in this example I use text file to read & write data..but mysql database is better choice..
fancy website
php&txt file
<?php $file = ('deathCounter.txt'); $death = file($file); $death[0] ++; $fp = fopen($file , "w"); fputs($fp , "$death[0]"); fclose($fp); echo $death[0]; exit(); ?> [/code:197hshgk] in deathCounter.html [code:197hshgk]<h2>Morts au total = <?php echo file_get_contents(""); ?></h2>[/code:197hshgk] [url=]deathCounter.capx[/url] open capx ..check death count on web page..kill player..refresh deathCounter.html page..
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
if you try somethig simple will see that loopindex don't wait..
you need something like this
so call & compare loopNumber in loop..
you can also try something like:
Every x seconds..set GloBNumber to Sprite(int(random(Sprite.Count))).MyNumber
How to get a good response when asking for help
video does not run when I export in node.js
wrong format?
Video not working with nw.js
wrong path?..something else..?
You really need to provide more information...
Member since 9 Sep, 2014