graffix87's Recent Forum Activity

  • Apparently I had my launch option a bit off to what it should have been set to. Steam support helped me resolve it and its now working.

  • Thank you that is helpful. I think I messed up on on of the steps and it didn't work but now I at least know the way to go about it. I wish it wasn't a difficult process to get a game on steam.

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  • Hi all, I'm finally ready to export my first game and am planning on a Steam release, already have the store up, just need to upload the game now. All I found was a topic from 5 years ago about this. So what one do I use when I export the game? I appreciate any help.

  • Oh thanks for that idea, I probably should have gone that route, what I did was do a move to command for the menu to follow the player and have the icons go to different object points on the menu. It works great, although if the player is on the edge of the layout then the menu pops up at the edge as well so I may change it.

  • Well that didn't work, I should have realized I wasn't anchoring the menu to anything so it stays put and doesn't follow the character so hopefully someone might have some ideas.

  • I think I figured it out, on the anchor property I set the top edge and left edge to none and I think its working, maybe this can help someone else out if they run into this.

  • Ok so I removed the anchor behavior and now it pops up. But I need it to pop up in the center of the screen wherever it is. So is there another way I can have it always centered without the anchor? Or perhaps any idea why the anchor is messing it up on this layout but not the others? Thanks

  • I have 4 layers on all of them. However after I made a completely new layout for testing I discovered that it works fine when the player and options menu is in that little area in the top left. However when I move it outside of that area, just like I have in the other layout where its not working, then it doesn't work either. So How can I get this to pop up properly where my player is, because he starts in the middle of the layout on the 3rd layout. Thanks

  • I have an options menu that pops up when esc is pressed. On my first two layouts it is working as intended. But on my third it does not appear at all. I also have the game pause and the player stops looking toward the mouse and those commands are working as intended, but for a reason that is puzzling me is the options sprite will not show at all. I am having the same problem with a touch control sprite that only needs to show when the game is played with a touch screen, so that makes me think its not a problem with the options sprite, but something with the layout itself, but I can not think of anything different besides the size of the layout. Thank you for any help with this.

  • Thank you for your help. I just re made it, luckily I wrote out how it was supposed to be set up so it was an easy fix and is now working fine. It was definitely a weird thing that happened.

  • what link should I refresh? Like close the layout and re open it? I have been playing around with it and somehow only make it more messed up. Its not a very complecated layout so its not a huge issue to re make it.

  • I had a strange problem happen to only one of my layouts. For some reason I wasn't able to select my character or other sprites and only could select the tilemaps, even when I placed them on layer 0 and to the bottom of the layer I could not select the player still. I also tried to select the player from the list on the right and it acted like there was no instance of it on this layout even though I could see it and when I previewed the layout I could still play fine with it. I then placed all the tilemaps that I could select up to layer 2 and now it seems like they disappeared and can no longer select them as well. I figured I will just have to make a new layout to replace this one but figured I would ask if maybe someone knows what is going on and could help. Thanks

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Member since 6 Nov, 2021

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