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  • Hello,

    I'm trying to create a little game with 3 characters(dungeoncrawling type).

    I have the simple to idea to let the player choose 3 different players at the start and every player at its own stats.Theses stats could be upgraded if th player find better sword,armor etc.

    I managed to do it with instance variable and this command in a very very small prject just only for testing purpose :

    Now I'm trying to make these stats in a dictionnary because lot told me its better for save system.

    I was therefore inspired by the demonoire file which is in demo on the construct site but when the defaultdatasave is loaded, it takes by default P0 instead of checking the choice (which will be P0, P1, P2) according to the choice of the player on the character selection screen.

    Here some image of the loading/saving system.

    So the problem is :whatever I try, at launch with a new game only the the defaultsavesystem_PO is used(and take only the first character and its own stats) and whatever the choice made on the select character screen.This feature work on another small project with local variable and without a save system ^^

    I'm hopping you can help figure it out ^^

  • I will try it with a build because the game is intended for use on steam ^^

    The tutorial only talk about game used trough browser.Have you yourself use this with a construct build for desktop?

  • Well ,the player will never be destroyed(easier I think),he will have the choice to load the last save or not(in this case the game close).

    I've read everywhere to use global variable or dictionary.I've tried the second one few minute ago and find it confusiong for the moment.

    If I read right i have to use dictionnary editor(created in file folder)+had to create dictionnary in object but this one is empty and can't be fill except by instance variable.

    Not sure what is the easiest,I'm a totally noob =p

  • I see =) thanks you a lot for your help ;)

  • Hello there !

    I'm planning to make a kind of zelda like(old school) with bunch of stats and many players(you pick one at the start of the game and can't change after).

    I've read multiple topics about it ,most talk about instance variable and others said instance variable is not the way because it is destroyed when the player is too(death i.e).

    For example if I have to set Value like HP,stamina,exp,level,def(base value) and other stats like this influenced by equipement find in game ,what is the most efficient way to do?

    Of course the game can be saved.

  • Ok because I was thinking at something more "classic" like one familly of enemies and one family of players,so when players have played their turn its enemy turn.

    The only problem I'm facing now is the active player make is turn then is player 2(after picking what action I want him to do) etc when I was thinking at an old school system like choosing all action of players and only then the turn execute.

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  • Wait a minute ,I Have to put enemies and players in the same family?

  • Ok helps me a lot ,I' forgot one important steps ^^

    I will try this way !^^

    thanks !

  • Hello,

    I ask for a little help or at least for some direction. I'm trying to make a small turn-based system (rpg) but with 3 players (maybe more) against 3 enemies.

    I have successfully followed the tutorial for the turn-based system itself but since trying to add more players or enemies the turn always ends at player 1 switching to enemies 1 then it starts again. I'm just starting to use construct so please be forgiving ^^

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Member since 4 Nov, 2021

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