I am trying to launch my player character in the direction it is currently moving in. I cannot get this simple thing to work for some reason.
The player uses 8direction and bullet behaviour. The bullet behaviour has -300 acceleration.
The player uses 8direction behaviour to move around. When the player holds down "Q", every second, the speed of the bullet behaviour is set to 300 and the angle of motion is set to the moving angle of the 8direction.
This works when the player is moving north, northeast, east, southeast, south and west.
This is the problem I'm having: Nothing happens when the player is moving northwest or southwest. In the debug menu, the bullet's speed does not change when the player moves in these 2 directions.
How should I fix this problem? Or should I use a completely different method? Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is a link to a .c3p and .capx of the code I am using, which is simplified to only include the dash ability: drive.google.com/drive/folders/11ThMyvbEeTjD150F7aEEgx7GnpEg3uhd