Hey! I’m Rob - Producer of Sheepy: A Short Adventure (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1568400/Sheepy_A_Short_Adventure/) working with the wonderful Thomas Lean (https://thomas-lean.itch.io/) on MrSuicideSheep’s first indie game.
We’re running into a couple of areas of development that would benefit from custom coding, technical optimization and consulting beyond our skillset within Construct Engine, hence the posting here.
We’re looking to connect with a Javascript Programmer that has experience with game dev and Construct specifically to work on:
1. Technical Audio Optimization. Currently, there are some deficiencies with the base engine that we cant rectify ourselves - namely that music and sound sometimes do not operate effectively, leading to clicking, stuttering and audio loss in connection with machine performance. We will need a solution for this.
2. Ensuring the game is optimized from the coding and technical side. This is an area where we should be able to squeeze more performance from generally.
3. Additional technical issues as and when they pop up.
It’s a fantastic little project we’re working on here and the start of bigger game development opportunities in the future with MrSuicideSheep - please feel free to contact me directly over at talktomevsi@mrsuicidesheep.com. Provide links of previous work and perhaps a very brief summary/one liner of you relating to the task at hand, and we can take it from there!
Keep well,