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  • I'd like to mention that I even tried to sit next to him and help with creation of some characters from scratch where it was hard to find something free. To some extent it had somewhat positive effect in the beginning (aside of the fact that I did not want to participate his project nor lead it nor intrude into his process as the whole point is him to be completely independent) but it still failed in the end.

  • Thanks for sharing the links to the free resources.

    I gave it try, but expectedly it doesn't work for a teenager. Being limited to a tiny set of some resources instead of the whole Internet isn't easy to accept, especially when you're not at work. It's almost identical for a teen to prohibiting a young girl drawing her favorite Little Pony (c) Hasbro because of possible copyright infringement and advising her to invent some other animal and draw it instead.

  • The whole idea of the question was that we have a situation when a teenager is either unlimited in use of any images and audio he likes/finds in the Internet while creating his projects, develops some skills, shares his creations with some other people and what is important I don't sit with him controlling and he has fun

    or he / I need to check everything for copyrights and he is limited to really few (or we don't know where to search for, so if there are recommended sources, it will be great to know) free characters and sounds.

    Maybe to someone it doesn't matter which character to use or which sound to play since it's just a creation having the main intent to be just one the first projects but I think almost everone would agree it changes the whole mood of the process and could just make a child decide it's easier and safer to give up this complicated process.

  • Hello,

    I have a question on common practices on use of images / sounds from various sources that may be similar of even the same as used in someone's copyrighted games or works of art.

    My son uses a paid subscription to Construct for relatively long time and likes it but he wasn't posting / sharing any projects yet,

    mainly because of fears that use of some images / sounds he found in the Internet and used in his projects may be protected by someone's copyright and taking them even to his early projects and sharing with others may be a bad idea and may somehow harm him now or in the future.

    If he was an adult and was selling his games in Play Store, I would totally agree with him.

    But how about a teen who found a recognisable car or a known monster or a tree or a stone with Google search of images and cut it from a screenshot of some game then using in his Construct project he intents to be publicly run or shared here? The same for sounds or background musics. Is this something to worry about or not?

    If that matters, he doesn't even try to copy someone's games with all the resources, we're talking about use of some random images / sounds he liked while browsing the Internet, often in modified form (cut/changed colors etc.) as explained above.

    I understand that to be on 100% safe side, I/he could either start bying/creating from scratch every image/sound or relying on some source of non-copyrighted images/sounds but I afraid that could ruin the fun for him as that will be a huge complication of the process or limitation to the characters used (still, if there are recommended sources of free stuff to use, I'd appreciate links to them).

    I wasn't sure where to post this question, this seems to be an appropriate section.

    I'd really like to hear your opinions on the topic.

  • Thank you for the information provided. Taking into account the challenges of the Apple store publish, I think Scirra Arcade / remote preview / 3rd party hosting sounds as a reasonable approach to try prior to actually getting deep into Apple stuff.

  • I'm not sure if there is such an option on arcade.

    But you can make a simple starting layout with "Text input" object. Make up a password, add the condition to check if text in Text input equals to your password

    That's an interesting option, thanks. Not sure if there's some pre-publish review preventing doing so.

  • Thank you for your advice. I understand there are 3rd-party places to use as a hosting; the question was for a paid personal license and the remote preview looks OK for "plan B", but it is intended for short-time remote preview, while I was looking for a way to share the project for some limited amount of people for prolonged period of time, possibly days.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi all,

    is it possible to publish a game to Scirra Arcade in a way that permits just users having some kind of direct link/password/whatever so that just limited amount of people could see/play it?

    There are test/educational projects to show to just few people and not to share with everyone because of number of reasons, so is it possible to do it with Scirra Arcade?

  • Hi all,

    are there some best practices/recommendations on how to export a Construct project to platforms other than Android apk/html5?

    In more details, my son got used to Construct 2 free and had no issue exporting to html5 and then further packaging it with a 3rd party tool to Android APKs his projects, which was more than enough at that time.

    Now he started using a personal license of Construct 3, which made creation of APKs even simpler and obviously as the next step now he would like to share his small games/projects with his friends having non-android devices, at least, Windows PCs and iOS phones. There are various guides on how to create projects for 3rd party IDEs, many advanced recommendations etc., but is there a recommended as of 2021, simple and straightforward approach for getting an .exe (or .zip with game files and executable) ? Is there a simple way to create an iOS app file to share and run it on someone's iPhone, without having an Apple developer account and w/o publishing into AppStore or any similar non-private place available to broad audience?

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