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  • Hello,

    I was checking out the tutorial below and got hung up on the even vs odd pixels.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1377/h ... onstruct-2

    In the video it was mentioned to use a sprite with even width and height instead of odd because the center would be off by a pixel. I don't see how you get a center with even sides. Trying to visual this I i was checking out what C2 does. The origin appears to be in the Top Left of the pixel chosen as the origin. I guess this would actually make it the center visually since it intersects the 4 center pixels. I was under the assumption rotation occurs around the pixel itself.


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_14V9 ... sp=sharing

    Thanks for any clarity!

  • Unfortunately I was not actively working as much with Windows 8.1 so I did not have a lot of hands on with it. I can't really compare because I have been nearly only using 10. However, the performance and experience has been great for what I have been doing.

  • Hello rekjl! I have been using Windows 10 for the last few months. With the latest release of C2 (R206) and Win 10 (10130) I have not encountered any issues with it. Actually, I have not had any issues with any software with the latest build of Win 10.

  • I think that the problem is caused because you're commanding character map changes on the first layout before the spriter Test object has been initialized. The object(s) only needs to be initialized once per game run (so the trigger will not fire on 2nd layout - this has caught me out before) and I suspect that that is why the On-Start-Of-Layout commands work the second time over. Good logic on the demo to order the objects on screen .

    Thanks for you help! You got me thinking and in my other project I had an "object destroy" in setup that caused the "on initialized" to not trigger with that instance.The next instance triggered the On Initialized, but caused the character map to not change to what I wanted. Anyhow, removed that destroy and now it is working as expected.

    The demo however... I would need to think about that more how to alternate character maps during setup...not sure if its possible.

    Thanks again!

  • Your capx is missing Layout 1.xml and some animation frames, so it won't run. Are you setting the scale using the Spriter object On Initialised trigger or using an On Created trigger? Created a spriter object takes more than one tick, so referencing the object directly in sub events will not work correctly. I'm just guessing without seeing the capx, though.

    Oh man I uploaded the wrong file! I have updated the link. I thought I read somewhere about Spriter objects and using wait 0 or more. Do you know how many ticks it takes or just usually more than 1?... hmm. Anyhow, the linked capx was basically for testing character maps and scaling. I don't see why first running the project shows pink boxes with scaling instead of alternating colors and scaling.

    I have tried in my other project to update character maps in the triggered event on creation, but they did not update.

  • Hello,

    I have been trying to use Spriter in one of my projects, but am having some difficulties with changing character map after spawning. I created an example to pretty much mimic the project and for some reason it works better with similar logic... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    The problem I am having is I create some Spriter objects and then attempt to change scale or character maps in a sub event. (Also have problem with Sprite Fonts). For some reason it doesn't work until the next time the function is called. I ended up creating a function to apply the scaling and character maps after the objects are spawned. However, having 2 functions in consecutive order would not change the character map. I thought since the events are read top to bottom and that they are both top level events then it should work...

    Call function Spawn objects

    Call function Setup objects

    Instead I used a boolean to trigger the "Setup Objects" function after the function that spawns finishes.

    [Edit] Boolean did not solve the problem. Seemed like it was working correctly, but further testing shows that some sprite's maps did not change. Clicking the spawn button afterwards seemed to work correctly.

    Anyhow, in the example .capx I am creating Spriter objects on start of layout with a loop. Every other object gets resized and changes character map from "Pink" to "Green".

    Should look like the image below.

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_14V9 ... sp=sharing


    However, on start of layout they are all Pink, but should alternate color. Clicking the "Next Layout" button shows what it should look like using the same logic. Clicking the "Previous Layout' goes back to the original layout and it is now displayed correctly. I am not sure why they are all pink when I first preview it, but changing layouts seems to work.

    I am using C2 R205.2 and latest Spriter plugin.


    Thank you!

  • volkiller730 Thanks! I will give that a try.

    Edit: I just updated to build 10074 and now I can drag and drop again .

  • > volkiller730, I just tried it with C2 201 and it worked. The import process that should occur is fully on C2 side, so the first things I would check, is to try C2 using the default theme if you're not already using it, or to reinstall C2. Please let me know if either of these helps or not.


    sounds good thanks for the help i tried the default theme but haven't tried reinstalling C2. Il try that now if it doesn't work It's probably just something conflicting with it on my pc if that doesn't work As im using windows 10 and it does sometimes have little issues with strange things. ether way i just manually imported and set everything up and got it working that way

    I am also running Windows 10 (build 10061) and cannot drag and drop Spriter files. Is there a work around for importing Spriter files? Thank you!

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  • Ahhhhh! So, you are saying thats why there are no choices if its in a function too? That makes sense. The example I had above was just for simplicity. I originally found this when I was messing with a function.

    Thanks for the clarity

    Anyhow, still would be nice to have something more informative instead of just a blank window.

    Maybe darken the Ajax icon and make it inactive if there is nothing to select for a condition.

  • Problem Description

    When using the Ajax object for a sub-event condition there is nothing to choose. There is just a white window.


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Add an Ajax object to a project.
    • Attempt to select the Ajax object as a sub-event condition.
    • Observe the window that pops up.

    Observed Result

    There are no options to do anything with the Ajax object.

    Expected Result

    It appears that the conditions are all triggered so they cannot be in a sub-event. Maybe there could be some information explaining why there is nothing to choose or not have it as a possible selection as a condition for a sub-event.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 Pro with all current updates.

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct 2 beta release r192

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Member since 28 Jul, 2014

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