Step 3 - Prepare your project
Let's create a blank project. Then import previous js file into your project.
Now let's add the following plugin into your project :
- Browser
- Function
Also add the following object into your layout :
- 1 Input Text Box
- 1 Button
- 2 Text
Place it the way you like.
Step 4 - Configuring project
Now let's create a new Event Sheet, name it "PlayFab" then add 3 global variables :
Set the TITLE_ID variable with your Game Title ID from PlayFab dashboard.
Write a On Start Layout condition and add Browser->Execute Javascript as an action.
Copy these line as the value :
"var js = document.createElement('script');
js.type = 'text/javascript';
js.src = 'playfabclientapi.js';
Then create a new Function, name it LoginWithCustomId , also add Browser->Execute Javascript as an action.
Copy these line as the value :
" var loginRequest = {
TitleId: '"&TITLE_ID&"',
CustomId: '"&Function.Param(0)&"',
CreateAccount: true
var LoginCallback = function (result, error) {
if (result !== null) {
} else if (error !== null) {
}; PlayFabClientSDK.LoginWithCustomID(loginRequest, LoginCallback); "
For the callback function (so we know whether the login success or fail), Create a new function named OnLoginWithCustomID, there are 2 condition for parameter 0 : "success" or "error". You can create these event to notify the login process :
Now let's move to the layout's event sheet. Include the "PlayFab" event sheet.
Create an event to indicate user's click on the button. Add Function->Call Function as an action. Set the parameter as below :
The last, let's set both variable Text UI to the variable
Let's run your project and see if it's work.
It's so simple isn't it?