Using Greenworks for Steam Publishing

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Published on 14 Apr, 2022.

Setting up Achievement events

How you set up your events will depend on your game, but it can be broken down into a simple workflow:

  • Pick the moment that will be your achievement.
  • If it doesn't exist in your events already, add an event for that moment, 'Player scores 1000 points' for example.
  • Add the Greenworks 'Activate Achievement' action to that condition with the correct achievement tag

Under the Steam dashboard, you can then make sure that your achievement tag corresponds to the correct achievement – or set up a new one if it doesn't exist yet. In the Stats & Achievements section of your Steamworks Dashboard, you'll see an Achievement Configuration column called API Name Progress Stat. This must match the achievement tag you've used in Construct 3 or the achievement won't trigger correctly.

Check Steam docs for more info on setting up achievements - including screenshots like the above using their Steamworks Example Game.


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  • Can you teach how to upload DLCS?

    I have no idea how to do it

  • These flags no longer work for Steam overlay on most recent supported greenworks / nw.js

  • I can't add files to the package.nw files after renaming them to zip files or when using third party tools like 7Zip or Winrar. I can normally add files to other zip files, but these seemed to be locked down.

  • Can this be updated now that NW export includes the Steam options? I have no idea which steps to follow, and which to ignore.

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      • Laura_D's avatar
      • Laura_D
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      I currently have quite a big to-do list, but when I get time I'll look into updating it.

      In the meantime, the manual outlines what the Steam options are in the NW.js dialog:

      So as a starting point, I'd assume you don't need to manually add the in-process-gpu arg if you check Export for Steam.

      The Enable Devtools checkbox should handle whether the game allows F12 to open devtools, so you don't need to add the devtools arg if you're leaving that unchecked I think.

  • Who can help me make a construct 3 for my Game development unit , some one reach out pls.

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