Let’s create Touch control game. First create new project and call it whatever you like.
1. Set Layout size to 1500 x 640
2. Margins 960 x 640
3. Windows size 960 x 640
Now create layers
1. Background
2. Objects
3. Player
4. HUD and HUD Parallax 0,0
Now create Sprite Background 1 and Create sprite Background 2
Background 1 & 2 Set origin 0,405
Create another Image point 1 1080, 405
Set size to
980 x 640
Now set behaviour to
And do the same for Background 2
Now place background 1 in layout 0 , 0
Create Sprite and name it TRIGGER and set size to 16 x 680 and place it at -16, 323
Clone TRIGGER1 and it should be named TRIGGER2 place this to -985,323
Crete Player on Player layout and call it whatever you wish I have called my player HERO
Set hero behaviour to
Create Rocket Booster and Behavior PIN TO set to INVISIBLE
Create pick-up like below
also enemies Behavior AS ABOVE
Now let's add code start of layout
Create players pickups and Enemies
How to Control Hero
Background code
Create TEXT and name it txtScore on HUD
Hero Pickups and Score
Now as you run the game it works with Mouse left button well as touch. There is so much you can do better add thing and much more. Next Time if I can I will show beginners how to create FUNCTION and use it in game. Functions are very powerful and controlling stuffs on Screen.