Sorry for my english, i`m from russia and bad know english. First, what we need, is install Denwer (DNWR).
Install denwer
You need to go here. Next, click the 'Install Denwer' button, And click 'download' button. Here`s an image. It on russian, but i translated for you ^.^
Next, when you done it, you should chek you email letter. The letter will sendet to you for few minutes. If you cant fount it, try to see in 'Spam' folder. It`s my letter. Dont try to copy my link, it doesnt works.
Install on computer
Next, when you downloaded and runned it, you can see that:
Press 'Enter'. It will ask you, when install Denwer, i recommend to install it in (C://WebServers) or (D://Server), not in (C://C/my/Server) etc. When you installed denwer, run 'Start denwer'.