How to make a TATE mode (for SHMUPS etc)

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Published on 27 Feb, 2023.

If you are wondering on how to make a TATE mode for your SHMUP in Construct 3, here's the code!

+ System: On start of layout

+ OR Keyboard: On H pressed

-> System: Set canvas size to 640 x 480 (original canvas size is 480 x 640)

-> System: Set layout angle to 90 (change this to 180 and 270 for other Tate Options)

-> System: Set layout scale to 1

This code assumes that you originally built your SHMUP or Vertical Screen game on a Portrait layout with a 3:4 ratio canvas (for example, 480 x 640).

NOTE: I have tiled backgrounds that repeat/loop in my SHMUP, rather than a large scrolling level, so I have no idea if this works in that situation.

Hope this helps any body who is making a SHMUP and wants to create a TATE mode for the absolute savages on the SHMUP forums :)


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  • whats TATE

    • TATE is SHMUP terminology for Rotate, where the games are usually displayed in a Portrait view by rotating the monitor/screen by 90 degrees. DoDonPachi and Zero Ranger are examples of SHMUPS that use TATE.

      This tutorial refers to TATE mode just in case someone who is trying to make a SHMUP is looking for a way to implement TATE mode in their game, as I couldn't find any tutorials specifically for this purpose.