Event #10 sets up and assigns text feedback and prepares for the HUD results. It then calls our "workhorse" function (Events #11 to #32) to finalize this game turn.
Now that Event #10 has prepared everything, it's time for our "workhorse" function -- "consultTheToad" Events #11 to #32 -- to evaluate and post the HUD results. Let's take this in baby steps. OK?
"Consult The Toad" Function
- Events #11 to #14 reset their local variables to zero and then preserve the eye.AnimationFrame in three "result" variables.
- Event #15 searches for matches between the first two results (i.e.: if two eyes match). If both match, then the text HUD feedback is posted, a random reward is chosen, and the final summary is written. (NOTE: there is an intentional logic error here; see if you can find it! It is repaired in the Construct Asset Store edition.) Events #16 to #22 find specific feedback and appends it to the HUD feedback.