How to sign and notarize a NWJS export for Mac App Store



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Published on 25 May, 2021.

Configuration for a signed and notarized package for mac os x

Step 1: Creating the icon

● Download “”


● Open “image2icon”

● Place the icon in “png or jpeg” format in the circular area

● Select “Original” mode in the right sidebar

● Export the icon in "icns" format

Step 2: Apple developer configuration

● Go to and connect with your account.

Apple developers connection

● Select “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles”

● Create an Identifier

● Select “App ID”

● Add a new application and enter a new “bundle id”

● Open the "Xcode" application

● Select the "Preferences" tab

● Select the “Accounts” tab

● Add a new account by selecting the small cross on the left edge of the window

● Select “Apple ID” and enter the credentials of the apple account

● Select "Download Manual Profiles" followed by "Manage Certificates" and make sure there is no error or "red cross" message on the certificates

Step 3: Configure files

● Unzip the “” file.

● Drop the “” application in the “mas” folder

● Go to the “mas” folder

● Drop the “icone.icns” icon generated previously in the “mas” folder

● Open the “build.cfg” file with a text editor

  • Replace “ApplicationIdentity = 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Foo (XXXXXXXXXX)” by “ApplicationIdentity = Developer ID Application: COMPANY NAME (COMPANY TEAM ID)”
  • Replace “Sandbox = Yes” by “Sandbox = No”
  • Replace “InstallerIdentity = 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Foo (XXXXXXXXXX)” by “InstallerIdentity = Developer ID Installer: COMPANY NAME (COMPANY TEAM ID)”
  • Replace “CFBundleIdentifier =” by “CFBundleIdentifier = com.yourdomain.yourbundleID”
  • Replace “Icon = path / to / custom / icon.icns” by “Icon = icone.icns”
  • Replace “CFBundleDisplayName = My App” by “CFBundleDisplayName = YourAppName”
  • Replace “CFBundleGetInfoString = My App 1.0.0, Copyright 2016 My Company. All rights reserved. ” by “CFBundleGetInfoString = YourAppName 1.0.0, Copyright 2020 Your Company Name. All rights reserved ”
  • Replace “CFBundleName = My App” by “CFBundleName = YourAppName”
  • Save and close the “build.cfg” file

Step 4: Running the scripts

A. Signature of the app

● Open the Mac “Terminal”

● Type the "cd " command (space is important) DO NOT PRESS RETURN YET !

● Drag the “mas” folder into the terminal window

● Press the “return” key (enter key)

● Enter the command :

python -C build.cfg -I "./" -O ""

● Press the “return” key (The execution of the command must end with the word “done” and the “” file must be visible with the appropriate icon in the “mas” folder)

● Delete the “” file (the file with the nwjs icon).

● Rename “” to “” (This is the signed application)

● Open the file and change the first const:

const APP = "YourAppPath/mas/";

● Save and close the file.

● Enter the command :


B. Creation of the PACKAGE

● Create the “build” folder

● Go to the “build” folder

● Create the “Your Company Name” folder

● Go to the “Your Company Name” folder

● Create the “YourAppName” folder

● Go to the “YourAppName” folder

● If the application is linked to a “Resources” folder then drop the “Resources” folder in the “YourAppName” folder

● Remember to give Read / Write rights for the "Resources" folder (unlock the padlock to apply to sub-folders)

● Drop the “” file in the “YourAppName” folder

● Resume the terminal window

● Enter the command

pkgbuild --root "./build" --install-location "/ Applications" "./YourAppName.pkg"

● Press the “return” key, wait for the word “wrote package to…” (The “YourAppName.pkg” file must be visible in the “mas” folder)

● Delete the “” file in the “YourAppName” folder

● Enter the order

productbuild --synthesize --package "./YourAppName.pkg" distribution.xml

● Press the “return” key (The “distribution.xml” file must be visible in the “mas” folder)

● Create the “resources” folder

● Go to the “resources” folder

● Upload the “ReadmeMac.txt” file

● Go back to the “mas” folder

● Go to the “YourAppName” folder

● Deposit a copy of the “ReadmeMac.txt” file

● Go back to the “mas” folder

● Open the “distribution.xml” file with a text editor

● Below “<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion =" 1 ">”, insert the following lines:

<title> YourAppName </title>

<organization> Your Company Name </organization>

<readme file = "ReadmeMac.txt" mime-type = "text / plain" />

● Save and close the “distribution.xml” file

● Resume the terminal

● Enter the command :

productbuild --distribution "./distribution.xml" --resources "./resources" --package-path "./YourAppName.pkg" "./"

● Press the “return” key (The “” file must be visible in the “mas” folder)

● Delete the “YourAppName.pkg” file

● Sign “YourAppName.pkg” by entering the following command:

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: COMPANY NAME (COMPANY TEAM ID)" --keychain ~ / Library / Keychains / login.keychain-db "./" "./YourAppName.pkg"

● Delete the “” file

● Empty the recycle bin (Be careful to delete all occurrences of the “” file)

Step 5: Notarize the package

• Compress the .pkg file

• Open the terminal and enter the following command:

xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "" --username "" --password "your notarization password" --file /yourPkgPath/YourAppName.pkg .zip

Make sure you change the and the file title.

• Wait for the content to be uploaded successfully to Apple's servers.

• Once this is done, copy the tracking number of the request which has this form:


• Wait between 5 and 10 minutes to receive an email indicating the success of the notarization.

• Check the logs for this operation by entering the following command.

Don't forget to change the tracking number.

xcrun altool --notarization-info 32625f6b-e7fa-4ac7-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --username "" --password "your notarization password"

• Staple the proof of notarization to the .pkg file by entering the following command:

xcrun stapler staple /YourPkgPath/YourAppName.pkg

• Check that the stapling was successful by entering the following command:

xcrun stapler validate --verbose /YourPkgPath/YourAppName.pkg

• Delete the .zip used for sending and empty the recycle bin. Compress the .pkg file again.



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  • Can you provide an updated link for the file? I've been pushing back my release date until I can get my OSX version notarized.

  • Thank you very much for the introduction. Super! Can you provide the link ( again? Thanks