Select a Random frame with no Repeats (no duplicates)

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Published on 19 Apr, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019



So maybe you have a game that randomly selects a sprite frame (from a sprite that has many animation frames)

, and

as the game progresses you notice the same frames are being 'played',

even before the 'unplayed' frames.

It inevitable to happen since its random, right.


what you want is all the 'unplayed' frames to 'play' first in a random order,

then start from the beginning again in a different random order.

So I started playing with the C2 code and after 4 or so hours of getting nowhere I decided to ask the forum;

@korbaach kindly responded and sent me an entire game.

It had a thing I have never worked with before (Ajax) so I was a bit nervous and started to break down the code to the simplest (barebones) form and still have it work as intended.

After much trial and error and another several hours, Mission Completed

NO PLUGINS are REQUIRED. only 12 events

Anyway, I thought this barebones version could come in handy to other novice users like myself, so I asked @korbaach if it's cool to make a tutorial and he said, go for it.

Anyway, here are the pics:


for those like me who have you never worked with Ajaz before:

Here is where the txt file is located.


You may need to remove the very first ' # 'at the beginning in that file to work for your game.

This 'game' needed it to make all 26 letters to appear, your game may not.




One thing I discovered the hard way,

was that one of the text objects

(in the capx example: Text_TopicList)

needs to be in every layout that you want this action to happen.



Enjoy .....

2 capx files:

one happens on the first click

and the other happens from the start of layout


adjust the code as needed, as it will be a bit different for each game variation.

** edited and fixed mistake in the capx that prevented all 26 letters from displaying.



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