This tutorial (actually this capx file) shows you a way to open an "On Exit" message. So if the player accidentally press the exit button (or the Back Button of...
Check them out: Here. I use Appodeal with much success, here are their average eCPM's: Banner - $1.23 eCPM! Interstitial - $5.24 eCPM! Video - $6.03 eCPM! I use...
This tutorial will show you a way to work with the new CocoonIO cloud compiler by ludei. It includes. - Google Play Game. - Game Center. - AdMob Ads. - InApp Pu...
In this tutorial I will show you how to setup admob ads in Construct 2 . 1- the first things you need is an admob account to create your interstitial or banner...
A complete guide for mobile app monetization with AdMob ads using the Ultimate Ads plugin. * Introduction - * Banner - * Interstitial - * Rewarded Video - * Set...
Adobe's phonegap service, is like cocoon.Io but you get one app free without any kind of splash screen to pay to remove. Additionally its only $9.99 a month if...
First we need to create a game. I did for example shooter. And he made buttons for touch . See how it looks. After the game, we have exported to HTML 5. We need...
Crosswalk issue: User is unable to toggle sound if he exported via crosswalk. In this scenario sound toggle doesn't work at all. Intel is working on to fix this...
Error you will see when uploading to Google Play. "Your APK's package name must be in the following format "com.Example.Myapp". It may contain letters (a-z), nu...