Exporting your game as a Windows desktop app is simple in Construct. However you don't get a single file exported. What you actually get is a directory containi...
Translating a game or an app can be boring and very dificult sometimes. Now, with the Transalte plugin, it's a bit easy ! First, download the project from githu...
On both technical and artists fronts, game audio composers and sound designers strive to create a seamless sonic experience for players. When a player makes a c...
When I started designing games I was completely lost as to how to get resources and create sprites and sound effects so over the years I have found many useful...
In this Construct 2 tutorial, I’d like to emphasize a few tools that C2 offers to quickly build events up using the event editor. This article is about the proc...
If you’re an indie game designer, chances are you have to wear lots of hats, just like me. On top of writing and coding, we generally have to dive into level de...
The " 3 in 1 game " is a great tutorial, that shows a variety of very usable design and implementation tricks. As beginner, however, I could not make sense of i...
Thanks for & . Your efforts on Parse makes C2 better and better! Step 1. About Parse. ------------------------------------. Parse© is an online backend app serv...
This tutorial aims to explain how to make a jigsaw puzzle using Scirra's Construct 2. This is part four, "Managing grouped pieces." we'll refine our snapping ro...