Rexrainbow Board series tutorial #4 Click remove, and make it a game

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Published on 3 Mar, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Chapter 3. FSM design


Below is the state diagram for our Poptile FSM:

Change to <Layout 1>, drag to add [gameover] object. Put it in the middle of game and set to invisible.

Add <Chess> behavior for [chess].

Change to <Event sheet 1> and add the following codes:

Key code blocks are shown in red boxes. These correspond to FSM so they should be self-representive. Very intuitive and easy to read.

Push <F4> to run layout, now our Poptile game is finished.

Congratulation! You've made a Poptile game and learned how to use Rexrainbow's <Board> series plugins. I hope you can made more splendid games like SLG, RPG, or a roguelike game with these powerful plugins. And your comments are always welcomed.

Hope you'll like this tutorial, see you soon!


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  • This needs a million C3 Plugins just to open it.

    Think you can list all the plugins needed for use with C3?

    It's kind of useless unless you provide all the plugins for the current version of Construct.


    The project you are opening uses the following addons that are not installed. Try installing these missing plugins, behaviors and effects and then re-open the project.

    Plugin Matcher (Rex_Matcher) by Rex.Rainbow

    Plugin Board (Rex_SLGBoard) by Rex.Rainbow

    Plugin SLG movement (Rex_SLGMovement) by Rex.Rainbow

    Plugin Square Tx (Rex_SLGSquareTx) by Rex.Rainbow

    Plugin Wait Event (Rex_WaitEvent) by Rex.Rainbow

    Plugin Inst Group (Rex_gInstGroup) by Rex.Rainbow

    Behavior Grid Move (Rex_GridMove) by Rex.Rainbow

    Behavior Chess (Rex_chess) by Rex.Rainbow