Rexrainbow Board series tutorial #2 Match Detection

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Published on 25 Feb, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Chapter 1. Prepare a New Project


There are a lot of people asking about "how to make a match-3 game?". Now Rexrainbow <Board> series plugins are the perfect solution for this question. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to detect matched chess in line and in L-shape. And you'll find the power of <Board> series plugins.

Before we start the core lessons, we need a new project. We've done this in last tutorial so now you should be familiar with this. Create a bland project and set its Window size to (480,854). This time we need a portrait window.

Drag <tile.png> into project. This creates a [tile] object which we will take it as the tile for our board. Set its (w, h) to (64, 64).

Drag <chess.png> into project. This creates a [chess] object which we will take it as the chess for our board. Set it (w, h) to (64, 64), too.

Double click on [chess] object to edit its image. Rename its animation name to "blue". Add 3 new animations and name them: green, red, yellow. Load corresponding assets into these animations.

Add a <Flash> behavior for [chess]. Later we'll need this behavior to indicate which chess are matched.

Back to <Layout 1>, add 4 Rexrainbow plugins: <Board>, <SquareTx>, <InstGroup>, and <Matcher>.

Set [Board] parameters. We need a 7 x 12 board.

Set [SquareTx] parameters.

Change to <Event sheet 1> and start to code:

You can see that comparing to last tutorial, we introduced some new instructions here:

In Event#1, we use <Board>-><Fill tiles> actions to fill tile on every grid. This is realy handy.

In Event#2, we use <Board>-><For each cell> condition as an iterator and set direction parameter to <Top to bottom>. This make the interator sweep from top to bottom in row, and left to right in column. In each loop we create a chess at (x, y, z) = (Board.CurLX, Board.CurLX, 1). And we use choose() expression to randomly choose one animation for us.

Push <F4> to run layout, you'll get a beatiful board like below:

As you can see, there are several sets of pattern which would be considered "matched" in a match-3 game. In next chapter, we will teach you how to detect these patterns by <Matcher> plugin.


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