Choose the [Board] object and look at its parameters. In this example, we want a 10 x 7 sized board. Namely it's size in logic should be a 10 x 7 array. So let's fill the parameters as below:
This defines the geometric size of our board. Next we are going to set the parameters of [SqareTx]. We want each cell to be 64px x 64px, so set the width/height to both 64. Besides, we don't want our board to be created at layout origin position, so we give a offset (100, 32) to our board. Set the parameters of [SquareTx] like below:
Next let's add the tile image for our board. Just drag <tile.png> to your layout and C2 will create a [tile] sprite for you. Change the size of [tile] to be (64,64).
Now here comes the most important part of this chapter: we are going to create the visual part for our board corresponding to our arithmetic and geometric settings. Go to <Event sheet 1> and add below codes:
Event1 binds [Board] to [SquareTx], this tolds board that our board is a square board (other possible choices are HEX and Isometric). Event2 & 3 makes an embedded loop structure. In this loop we use <Board>-><Create tile> action to create board tiles. Push <F4> to run layout and you'll see you board is created.