And it is important that you use single talking marks where specified and not double talking marks, and visa versa.
Project File
Setting it all up
This next section will deal with the Construct 2 project, and the different objects you will need.
* Text Box
* User Media
* Button
Once they are all added, it's time to add the XML file that you created earlier. You can do this by right clicking on Files under the Project Dock and then navigating to the location of your file.
Now you can either make the User Media sit out of view of the screen, or just give it an opacity of 0 to hide it.
Adding the code
If you have never done something like this before, don't despair if you mess up the code, as I will include a ZIP and CAPX for you to compare with at the end.
Counter for lines
This is just a simple Global Variable (or if could be a local or objects variable, if you want to try something a bit more advance) and it will be a number.
Reading the XML
You will need to use the AJAX object to request the XML that we imported earlier in the tutorial, and as soon as that is done, we're going to load that XML into the XML object.
It should look like the following image, and once done, you're only two steps away from having a basic dialogue going.
Reading the first line
This step allows the CAPX to read the first line of the XML file, and start the game off right away. The text that is being read reads as follows :
Apologies now if the code is illegible in the images. The important part of this is to ensure that you use double talking marks " at the start and end and a single talking mark ' when referencing the id.
Progressing when clicked
This last bit is just to progress the dialogue when you have finished listening to/reading it. Again I apologise for the image, but if you open the attached CAPX you can see exactly what it reads.
This list of code differs slightly from the previous one, as it is now being fancy and using the Variable we created earlier to determine what line is read next.
As I mentioned earlier, the use of ' and " is important, and as this is an intermediate tutorial, I hope you already understand the use of &ReferencingAVariableLikeThis&, if not, look into the Text Box tutorials as they can provide insight.
All Done
Hopefully if you have done everything correct, you should be able to open your project in Chrome Canary (by setting it as your custom browser) and then enjoy the possibilities that this tutorial has opened up for you.
I have used en-GB (Great Britain) instead of en-US (United States) for the language, purely as I prefer the way it sounds, and given it was about James Bond it seemed apt.
And if you have any queries/suggestions/comments, feel free to inbox me or leave the comments below.