Quick Timer Events from a Game Design Perspective

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Published on 10 Apr, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

After a few tutorials dedicated to game art, let’s now talk about game design. Quick Time Events to be more precise. You know, those random buttons to press in the middle of the cinematic! Between this tutorial and the next, we will see what a better understanding of this mechanism is worth.

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QTEs have a pretty bad image today. When we think about Quick Time Events, we tend to solely think about cut scenes. Most notably because AAA games tend to abuse of those nowadays.

In this video, I am taking a lot of examples of how QTEs are used in cinematics. It is only to better apprehend them. On both the mechanical and technical sides, a rhythm game is based on the same techniques as a QTE. And that is what we will focus on eventually. If we understand the concept behind QTEs, we can then bend it and use it to fit our design's very needs eventually.

So today, we are going to take a look at QTEs from a game designer’s perspective. And next week, we will see how we can use that analysis to code a fun mini-game in construct 2!

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That’s it for this tutorial! If you liked that article/video and want to see more, you can become a subscriber on Youtube. You can also find me on twitter, facebook or Google Plus ! Thanks much for reading!



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