Progressive Level Selector

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Published on 10 Sep, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019


In this tutorial, you will be guided through an entry-level level selector similar to Angry Bird's level selector mechanism. This will requires you to be familiar with basics in event systems and will teach you several useful methodology of using official plugin in a robust way.

Purpose of this tutorial

Beginners always seems to be confused with the usage of arrays in achieving mechanism that they want because of they are either misguided by existing method through tricks and hacks or improper data management.

What you will learn:

Finite Object State*

Basic in picking.

Basic of using an array effectively.


The capx uses r178, and the guide are written in the comment box, and the layout made up until level 3 only, you can do the rest yourselves.

Download it and start learning! :D


Assets used in this tutorial are grabbed from a publicly available source, which provided by the original video tutorial creator. Assets animation is used as is and events are made to adapt the existing assets. However, I recommend to categorize each sprite accordingly and not use them as static animation frames.

*Came up with this terminology myself :D , hope you understand what I meant by it.



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