How to preview on a local network

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Published on 19 Jan, 2012. Last updated 4 Mar, 2019

Previewing on a LAN address in Construct 2 allows any device on your Local Area Network (LAN) to preview your project. For example, if you have both a PC and an iPad on Wifi, you can preview your game on the iPad without having to go through the whole export-project process. Alternatively other PCs and laptops on the network can share the preview, which can be handy if you're working together in a team. It's a great time saver! Here's how to set it up. However, you must have administrator access to your computer for it to work, and please note this feature is not available in the free edition.

Step 1: enable Preview on LAN

Open the Preferences dialog from the File menu. You need to enter your computer's IP address on the LAN for Preview on LAN address. This is not your IP address on the Internet - it's just the address for the local network. It's usually in the format 192.168.X.Y, 172.X.Y.Z, or 10.X.Y.Z.

If you already know your computer's LAN address, you can enter it now. If you don't know, Construct 2 can try to detect some possible options. Click the button to the right of the Preview on LAN address to see some options, circled in red below.

The dialog below should appear. Computers can sometimes have multiple local addresses, which means there may be a little trial and error involved. Alternative ways to find your local IP address are running ipconfig from a commandline, or hovering the mouse over your computer in the Network Map in Windows Vista or later. If you have a router, its software can sometimes show you your local IP address as well.

Note localhost means the preview only runs on your computer - you can't preview on the LAN in this case, but you also don't need administrator permissions to preview.

In this case, the correct IP for the computer the above picture was taken on is Double-clicking the entry closes the dialog and sets it as the Preview on LAN address.

Click OK. A prompt will appear with some information about previewing on LAN addresses. Don't worry about it, we're already going through that in more detail.

Close Construct 2 since we have a bit more setup to do.


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  • I can't run preview on LAN, even with the option to run construct executables as administrator, when I try to open directly through those executables Steam tries to install construct free, please help me ;-;