Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Understanding the Basics of Arrays
Arrays are very simple in concept but, as I have found both personally and from others who have used Construct 2 and 3, sometimes they're challenging to grasp w...
Construct Time #6: One way doors
Two Construct Times in two days, what's happening? Yeah from now on, I decided I won't stick to a "schedule" and just release whatever the hell I want whenever...
Random Enemy/Item Spawn
So in this tutorial I will show you one way you can spawn random enemies or even items in a platformer game. Check out the video and hopefully you can learn a f...
Construct Time #2: Mirrors!
This week, I wanted to try making a mirrors effect, with lots of sprites in the foreground copying and distorting something happening in the background with som...
Hogyan készítsünk egy Platformer játékot
A Construct 2 segítségével bármilyen 2D játékot el lehet készíteni. Ez az oktatóanyag segít végigvezetni platformjáték készítésének alapjain a Construct 2-ben....