Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Running Construct 2 on Linux
If you're user of Linux, you probably tried to run Construct 2, but when you tried to preview project, the error ocurred. I have a fix for that. The first step...
How to use less events
THis is a tutorial for who uses Construct 3 free version and needs to save events to make a better game. I hope it helps you. 1. One object for two. Normally yo...
Looking for different parts and wanting to implement some RPG System, I have come across the unpleasant surprise that there's basically no tutorial or well-made...
How to easily make a phone call (Cordova)
As you may know, Cordova is a tool that allows you to convert your C2/C3 project into a mobile app or game. There are many paid Cordova plugins out there, but m...
Flashlight - Shadow Casting Plugin
Flashlight is a pay-for plugin soon to be available on the Scirra store (and Itch.Io). It is designed to behave like a light source that casts shadows from Soli...
How to - Instant Games FB - Construct 3
With the new Construct 3 beta update R92 and in progress Facebook Instant Games for Messenger that was made public, for every developer that wants to publish th...