Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
How to effectively name your game
There are many name types that you can choose for a game which will all having different effects, here are some of them. A literal title makes it easy to find o...
Two Cooperation Examples
You can dwonload this capx on left. One player is a gun. Another player equivalent to a controller, it can make gun fire. I hope this capx can help to people in...
Programming simple touch QTEs
In this tutorial, I am sharing 3 commented Capx files that show how to build a simple touch QTE system. Rather than showing each step to code it, I decided to a...
Animation: Walk cycle and Run cycle
When building a game, one of the most important parts is the give "Personality" to "Hero" and the best. How that is reflected in the animation of this. The Walk...
Stacking multiple attacks. Combo attacks.
This example is written to make it possible for a character to execute several attacks (or other actions) consecutivly. I've used it for making my character abl...