Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
C3 Data Convert Example
JSON.Get("store.Info.Location") // Lover's Pond. {. "data": }. JSON.Get("data.0") // 123. JSON.Get("data.1") // 456. Example 2.2. {. "items": }. JSON.Get("items...
Grid for Turn-Based Movement
Let's start by adding objects: Tile map with graphics for the playing field. TilePath "Tilepath" for the grid of moves. Sprite "Unit". Since a single tile is us...
How to Build a Turn Based Strategy Game
An example of what can be accomplished using this tutorial and the provided TBS.Capx template visit the game Classic French vs British on the Construct Arcade....
Exporting videos with Construct Animate
Construct Animate provides a Video export option that lets you get a video file with your animation. It can encode faster than realtime, so assuming you have a...
Earthbound Style Battle Backgrounds
I was curious if Earthbound style battle backgrounds were possible in C3 since we have no control over its rendering and it doesn't really have WebGL effects to...
Construct Time #8: Better Slider Bars
This time I come with a brand new kind of thing. A fully fledged JS module! There's not too much to explain, and I'm gonna be honest, it's pretty late right now...