Learn game development and animations with Construct
Welcome to episode #6 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video, we create the GUI for our inventory. Assets used: Original Links: Twitter: It...
Welcome to episode #5 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we create our inventory class, which has our inventories data structure. Twitt...
A Designer precisa passar pelos dultos de ar para chegar até a sua sala aonde está o PC e enviar o trabalho para o cliente. Haverá plataformas fixas/móveis e te...
Welcome to episode #4 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we setup item drops, create some more resources, and fix a few bugs. Assets us...
I will teach you how to make a score variable and add it to the layout. The first thing you have to do is open Construct. Then, go to an event sheet. Right-clic...
Welcome to episode #3 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we create a breakable item system, and implement using our pickaxe to smash it...
Welcome to episode #2 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we are going to create an equipable item system. We'll start with a wooden pic...
Welcome to episode #1 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we start setting up our project with a player, animations, basic input and smo...
This uses two of my addons to do the heavy lifting: Radial Progress: Animate Text: Precisely, it uses the new feature from animate text that allows you to make...