Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
CSS Your Buttons and Textboxes
This tutorial has been completely re-written to incorporate a lesson I picked up in the forums recently. If you're really interested in the legacy technique the...
Rounding Numbers the Easy Way
This tutorial explains how to round a value to a specific number of decimal places. A simple way to round the value is by multiplying the number by a set amount...
I'll tell you how to make a very simple mini card for your game. First, download the sprites.(Sprite icons player will be the same). Point at the minimap set: X...
Animación Aleatoria.
De vez en cuando la gente se pregunta, como pueden seleccionar aleatoriamente una animación. Este pequeño tutorial muestra una forma muy simple de hacerlo. Hay...
Exporting desktop apps with NW.js
Construct 2 can export your project as a traditional desktop app with NW.Js , which is basically a standalone version of the Google Chrome browser. In other wor...