Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
This is my first contribution, So don't laugh ) Because my English is bad . Finally I hope this little tutorial will help you on yours fantastic game creation,...
easy Pause toggle button
Here's the simple Pause Button for touch screen games. It will Pause and Resume the moving object. If you like it. I already like it too.
How to get IAP to work with Crosswalk XDK
Here is a simple and quick solution to get Cranberry's PhoneGap IAP plugin to work with Crosswalk and Google Play with the correct billing settings. This solves...
Clock in Construct 2
Someone asked me some time ago that could I make analogue clock? I did not have time as I was working for someone on project. As I am free at the moment. I thou...
Pathfinding con línea de vista
Te voy a enseñar cómo combinar el comportamiento "Pathfinding" con un motor de "line of sight" para crear enemigos que tienen un poco de IA; Los enemigos van a...
TO-DO sheet in your app
I’m a bit of a noob at Construct 2. No, let’s put it this way: I’m a COMPLETE noob at Construct 2! Despite this fact, I thought I’d share one little trick I’ve...