Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Where can I get inspiration from?
Hey there. I'll tell you where you can take inspiration. Many who wanted to make the game wondered: "Where can I get inspiration from?". Indeed, where is it fro...
Upload html5 game in Heroku
I happend to check heroku for one of our friend to see how difficult is to upload files in Heroku. After login into account I got the understanding , it Is'nt s...
Construct2 初学入门教程
很高兴你选择了Construct 2!首先让我们来开始制作HTML5的游戏吧。我们将制作名为'Ghost Shooter'(幽灵射手)范例游戏。 点这里运行制作完成后的游戏 。游戏里玩家跟随鼠标指向,用方向键移动,点击鼠标左键对敌人展开射击!通过该例,我们将学到创建一个简单的游戏所需的知识——从层到事件系统!. 注意:...
Following the mouse
Quando você coloca algo para seguir o mouse, se ele vai para a direita tudo ocorre bem, mas quando o personagem vai para a esquerda o mouse fica invertido, ele...
Música Semi-Procedural para tu Juego
Cuando hablo de música semi-procedural, a lo que me refiero es a arreglos compuestos por una persona, de forma manual, no por una computadora. Pero reproduciend...
Semi-Procedural Music for your Game
When I talk about Semi-Procedural Music, I mean arrangements that are composed by a person, manually, not by a computer, but played randomly. For instance: You...
Lootable-Money System
Welcome to my tutorial on My Lootable-Money system! This System creates small stacks of money, which can by looted for cash! I'll lead you through it step by st...
Seguindo o mouse
When you put something to follow the mouse, if it goes right everything is fine, but when the character goes left mouse is reversed, he sights in the opposite d...
Donc ceci est ma première contribution aux utilisateurs C2; Comment faire un menu. Classic en utilisant le SpriteFont, ici on utilisera des caractères sortant t...