Learn game development and animations with Construct
En este video pueden ver como insertar y buscar elementos en los arreglos de Construct 2. Revisen Mi Blog. Pueden encontrar un ejemplo similar aquí: Ejemplo .CA...
In this video you can see how to insert and search in Arrays in Construct 2. Check my blog My Blog. And You also can find a similar example here: Example .CAPX....
After a few tutorials dedicated to game art, let’s now talk about game design. Quick Time Events to be more precise. You know, those random buttons to press in...
Para revisar más tutoriales y videos pueden visitar mi Blog. En este video explicaré cómo se pueden pegar elementos de un proyecto a otro, tanto sprites como ev...
To check more of my videos and tutorials go to my Blog. In this video we'll check how to copy elements from one Construct 2 project to another. It is incredibly...
Este tutorial espera mejorar un poco la forma en que funciona uno de mis juegos. La caída. En este corto video enseño cómo mejorar una de mis juegos plantilla (...
This is one of my series of short videos around C2. In this short video I show you how to modify one of my templates (found in my Blog ) and include spawning po...
Someone was learning making game pong with Construct 2. He said he followed exactly as video explain but, game would not work. In the end he gave up and asked m...
In the last tutorial, we initiated a transition towards the world of design. Today’s topic is the Principles of Design. They structure the very core of the desi...