Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
PushBack enemy effect on hit
Here I'm going to show you how to make a pushback effect on a character. What's the pushback effect? When you hit an enemy in a game, he will jump backward, tha...
Level Design in a Nutshell
Today we’re gonna talk about level design. This is actually a presentation presented by one of my friend. I’m just simply wrote what he said, and add stuff here...
Criando um botão de pause - Parte 2
Parte 2 de Criando um Botão de Pause. Neste vídeo nós vamos adicionar alguns simples sprites para novo menu de pause realmente grudar. E, claro, com menos event...
Create and play videos with Construct 2
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and add Youtube videos in Construct 2 for video intros, gameplay, or anything you want to show. Part 1. Part 2. S...
3 in 1 Game
Title of game is really we are designing 3 games in one CAPX (Construct 2). To designing this type of game Is'nt hard but, one has to use logic. With Construct...
Enemy mirrored on Sine Behavior
I've seen people ask how to use the mirror action with sine behavior. This is useful for use with enemies if we want them to patrol an area using the sine behav...
6 Pasi Sa Te joci cu "Mintea Jucatorilor"
Asta e o list cu 6 elemente de motivare a creierului uman, Specific pentru a motiva si a stimula placerea oamenilor de a actiona si a lucra in joburile din viat...
Construct 2 : Manual pentru Incepatori
Bravo pentru ca ai ales Construct 2! S-ă începem prin a crea primul tau joc HTML5. O s-a incepem prin a crea un joc demo numit "Ghost shooter" . Incearca-l aici...