Learn game development and animations with Construct
In this article, we continue our discussion of artificial intelligence techniques in games and introduce the idea of state machines . A state machine is a metho...
This capx is a simple program that demonstrates fading between 5 different colored background layers each click. Demo. A good practice when naming objects or la...
You can download the images that you will need for this tutorial here: Make sure to watch in full screen and in 1080p. Enjoy!
I remade a few beginner tutorials that were on here into video tutorials. Make sure to watch in full screen and in 1080p. Enjoy!
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a tilt platformer using Construct 2's physics behavior. 1. Create a rectangular sprite, this will be the platform. 2...
I recently decided to give game development a try with Construct 2. It turned out as a small RPG prototype, named Dan the Rabbit . In this article, I’ll share a...
Greetings, I have searched for how to make a rolling dice, I couldn't find one. So I tried to make one and finally I was able to make one. First, insert a sprit...
I was trying to make a touchpad and found a tutorial about it, but it was too hard for me, so I tried to make one on my own and I finally made a working one. Cr...
Guys, don't write in English, then translated in Google translator. Come on, this tutorial "Online High Score Table (AJAX, PHP, MySQL)" teaches how to make an o...