Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Tips menggunakan Construct 2 Free Edition
Untuk semuanya yang menggunakan Construct 2 Free Edition. #1. Dapatkan ide awal dari game yang nantinya akan kamu buat, jika kamu punya pemahaman tentang game y...
Tips with the Free Edition
For all those people who have the free edition of Construct 2 here is some tips to work with it. #1. Have a basic idea of the game your making. If you have a ge...
Blur Mask Effect .
Open an image editor (or Construct 2 Build in image editor) and with a soft brush (no hardness) just click 2-3 times to make a soft edge circle like this (Be ca...
Inventory without function, array!
To jest mój ekwipunek bez użycia funkcji I tabeli. To jest bardzo prosty przykład ekwipunku w Construct 2. Jest on zawarty w .Capx, ale niestety jest po rosyjsk...
Visual Novel Template
With this simple template you can built very scale-able visual novels in Construct 2. This combines the simplicity of Construct 2 and Functions to offer game de...
Count down to XMAS
This tutorial will explain how you can count down to a day or an event of your choice. Rex_rainbow date plugin (http://c2rexplugins.Weebly.Com/ ). Logic : The r...
3 in 1 game explained - game design
The " 3 in 1 game " is a great tutorial, that shows a variety of very usable design and implementation tricks. As beginner, however, I could not make sense of i...