Learn game development and animations with Construct
Use Appodeal to make more money for Ads. This tutorial is just to show the hard part in getting Appodeal to Build on Cocoon.Io. You need a Admob account and a C...
Les ressources sont libres d'utilisation, mais les références sont protégées par la loi du copyright. Artistes en free-lance : Musique dans le domaine public :...
很高興你選擇了Construct 2!首先讓我們來開始製作HTML5的遊戲吧。我們將製作名為'Ghost Shooter'(幽靈射手)範例遊戲。 點這裡運行製作完成後的遊戲 。遊戲裡玩家跟隨滑鼠指向,用方向鍵移動,點擊滑鼠左鍵對敵人展開射擊!通過該例,我們將學到創建一個簡單的遊戲所需的知識——從層到事件系統!. 注意:...
Construct 2能做各種類型的2D遊戲。在這個教程裡,你將學習怎麼用Construct 2製作簡單的平臺遊戲。如果你是個新手並且更喜歡做射擊遊戲,試試這個 this alternative beginner's guide 。準備好了嗎?讓我們開始吧!. 注意:不要在評論裡提問!如果有問題,請去我們的論壇 for...
If you ever wanted to learn how to make a game in Construct 2. This is the course for you. The course is FREE and easy to follow. The best part is that the cour...
Si estás haciendo un juego como algo de supervivencia zombi o solo quieres que objetos se creen de manera aleatoria, puedes pensar que hacer eso es algo complic...
Hi everybody, ready to match some blocks? Full playlists in english: Full playlists in spanish:
Ortak bir isteği özelleştirmek 2'nin yükleme ekranı oluşturmaktır. Bu loader düzeni kullanılarak yapılabilir özel bir düzen proje hala yüklenirken gösterilen ,....
I gonna show you how to make simple loading bar.