Intel XDK: Adding Admob Plugin: a Pictorial Guide.

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Published on 21 Feb, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hi. This simple guide will show you how to add the Admob Plugin for Android on Intel XDK.

Intel XDK: Right-click and 'run as administrator'. Select your Project.

1. Go to PROJECTS > CORDOVA HYBRID MOBILE APPS SETTINGS > Plugin Management > +Add Plugins to this Project.

2. Select Third-Party Plugins > Plugin Source: Cordova Plugin Registry

Plugin ID: cordova-plugin-ad-admob

Click the Add Plugin button.

3. Wait for a few seconds whilst your plugin is being fetched. Takes around 10 - 60 seconds, depending on your internet connection speed.

4. This pop-up should appear if you've added the correct Admob plugin.

5. This is what your plugin management files should look like. You should have these 3 files:

i. Cordova Admob Plugin

ii. Cordova Admob SDK

iii. Google Play Services for Android

Alright, you're good to go! :)


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