Learn game development and animations with Construct
To download the capx file : Et's get started! If you want to try the menu : We only need 3 gloabal variables. "swipespeed": The speed that the menu must have af...
After a couple of presentations at Georgia State University, I decided to clean and modify the shared content to explain how you can easily create a video game...
(Este tutorial no es mio es de AllanR publicado originalmente el 28 de noviembre 2013 - 1 Revision, pero como me como me ha sido de gran ayuda lo he puesto en e...
This is a pictorial guide on how to fix the APK version issue if you're UPDATING Android Crosswalk APK from Cordova CLI 4 to Cordova CLI 5 in Intel XDK and how...
This simple guide will show you how to add the Admob Plugin for Android on Intel XDK. Intel XDK: Right-click and 'run as administrator'. Select your Project. 1....
Всем привет. Я хотел показать Вам, как создать объект, который автоматически меняет угол поворота и свою длину и тянется к курсору. Необходимо выполнить следующ...
In this quick video I will show you how to use the Local storage plugin in Construct 2 to save a high score for each one of your game levels. For more videos an...
This is an extension of my Tic-Tac-Toe series. See: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. In Part 2 I show how to write an AI plug-in to play against the user. To my shame, I...
Descargar capx. Hay muchos usos para los temporizadores para juegos. Contar el tiempo de partida, puntuación basada en el tiempo, cuenta atrás, tiempos de reuti...