Making an advanced lighting system

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Published on 3 Jun, 2019. Last updated 24 Jun, 2019


Upon creating the Lights we need to setup a few things:

We need to

  • Move every object to the right layer
  • Resize the canvas and light circle to the inputed radius
  • Tint the light source to the right color using C3's built in tint
  • Set the opacity of the canvas to the inputed strength
  • Move the objects to the right position
  • Set the shadow light and light circle to invisible
  • Set the canvas to additive blend mode
  • Paste the light circle and shadow light
  • I am using this Z order system for my game , so I also set the shadow light's casting tags to the light's z Layer

We also need to setup the sine animation if it is being used

I also needed to setup my Shadow Caster objects that are also part of the Z order family to get the right casting tag as well.


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  • This great! Thanks!

  • trying to follow your tuto, great so far but I'm confuse on the page 5:

    OBJECT POOLING and PLACE THE SHADOW screencap don'tseem to show the same nested script.

    On the first one you see the event showcaster>>> pick instance with UID=uid with direct action linked to it and other events following (not sub event) and in the 2nd screenshot you see that the condition showcaster>>> pick instance with UID=uid has some other sub event.. which one is correct?