How to Learn Construct 3? Next Steps for Beginners

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Published on 1 Mar, 2019.

Addons sum-up

This concludes our overview of the start page and the various examples and templates that Construct provides at the beginner level.

We have seen plugins and behaviors that are built into Construct.

They are called “standard addons” and are part of Construct by default.

Here is a list of all the addons we have encountered through the examples and templates so far.


  • Sprite - Base building block of your game. Contains textures (images) that will be displayed on screen.
  • Text – Object that allows you to display text (characters string).
  • Touch - Input plugin that allows your game to capture inputs of the user on touch devices.
  • Keyboard - Input plugin that allows capture of user inputs on desktop computers with a keyboard.
  • TileMap - Plugin allowing you to draw your layout as tiles. Useful in J-RPG type of games.
  • Mouse - Input plugin that allows you to capture user inputs when using a mouse.


  • Platform - Behavior that applies platform-game mechanics to the object. Can detect arrow keys being pressed on a keyboard by default.
  • Solid - Behavior that applies the Solid attribute to the object. Will interact with other behaviors (list in the manual article).
  • Jumpthru - Behavior that will make the object it is applied to act as a platform (interaction with the Platform behavior) and allow the object to fall through on player’s input.
  • Bullet - Behavior that will move the object by a set amount of pixels every tick of execution.
  • Custom Movement - Behavior that allows you to “build” your own movement according to the needs of your game.
  • Sine - Behavior that will automatically modify a value according to a sine or other algorithm. Can be used to make automatically moving vertical platforms for example.
  • Physics - Behavior that adds physics features to the object and will interact with other objects having the same behavior.
  • Timer - Behavior that will trigger after a given time, on a regular basis or just once. Useful to add some delay between a user input and the actual action for example.
  • Car - Behavior that adds car movement-like features to the object.
  • ScrollTo - Behavior that will always display the object it is applied to in the center of the view, even in a layout that is far bigger than the project’s windows size.
  • BoundToLayout - Behavior that will automatically move the object so that the object is never in coordinates that would put it outside of the layout.
  • Wrap - Behavior that positions automatically the object to the opposite edge of the layout when the object happens to disappear beyond the limits of the layout.
  • Turret - Behavior that adds turret-like features to the object (rotation to aim an object, trigger a shoot at a given frequency,...)
  • Pathfinding - Behavior that will calculate a path around obstacle in a cell setup of the layout. The behavior can help moving the object along the calculated path.
  • 8direction - Behavior that will add movement features to the object. Can detect arrow keys being pressed on a keyboard by default.
  • DestroyOutsideLayout - Behavior that will automatically destroy the object when it finds itself in coordinates outside of the layout.

Remember also Construct gives you access to expressions and system expressions, expressions that can be reached from and within the System object.

And there are far more plugins and behaviors for you to discover.

You can even add third-party addons, these can be downloaded from our addon exchange.

The next page will take you to the next step of your game making career with notions and practices to allow you to serenely construct your own games.

Next Tutorial In Course

How to make a platformer game 47:07

An alternative to the Beginner's Guide, this tutorial helps you build your first platformer!


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