How to make a Leaderboard Rank Online ! TOP 10 - PHP-SQL-AJAX

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Published on 5 Sep, 2020. Last updated 7 Sep, 2020

Hello all

If you want to make a leaderboard to your app or game see this below


Attention ! the server is very very slow ...

All My tutorials here

download the files

put then into your server

change the DB username, DB password ,DB name and DB table in login.php

create a table in your databese with name : leaderboard

After create : id , username , country , coins and level

open the c3p change the urls to yours and thats it

Soon I Will create a tutorial on how create a free server and mysql

I will update this tutorial with a step by step guide when I get spare time

You can use this example of coins and make different rank with stage country etc

you can display flags , avatar etc , you can do anything you want like a pro leaderbord game , just see what I did and replicate it to other things

Files to download


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  • thank you

  • Great! Can you please do a tutorial on how to create a free server and mysql? Or you can send me the link of a youtube video where I teach how to do it since I am trying to use a classification table from your previous tutorial and I do not know how to integrate it to the page, I do not know how to change the username of the database and password. From already thank you very much. Greetings!