Fixing Intel XDK Build error when using the Official "IAP Plugin"

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Published on 10 Feb, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019


My first article and I want to help you all address a very annoying issue when using the Official IAP plugin and trying to build the game on Intel XDK!

The issue was also reported as a bug by @Iolva on

Due to this, we all had to goto our best friend cranberrygame for his amazing plugin. No doubts, his PhoneGapIAP works really really well. I been using it for quite a while now.

But when I wanted a common Game Version for both my Android and Windows 8 game, I ran into really messy events of juggling between two IAP plugins that are trying to do the SAME thing!

This ends now!

I contacted the Intel XDK team on their official forum and found a way to fix this issue. And its very simple! :)

Here are the steps to fix the issue:

1. After you have exported the game in cordova with out intel xdk style checked - Jeremy C.

2. Open you project in Intel XDK

3. Click on the Projects TAB

4. Scroll down to "Cordova Hybrid Mobile App Settings" -Jeremy C.

5. Expand "Plugins and Permissions" section

6. Click add plugin - Jeremy C.

7. Choose third party plugin - Jeremy C.

8. Click on "Git Repo" - Jeremy C.

9. Copy/paste - Jeremy C.

(refer below screenshot)

10. Click Import


You should now be able to BUILD you "Crosswalk for Android" App without any error!

Hope this was helpful :)

IAP used in my game :)

Updated by Jeremy C. @carbincopy 6/26/2016


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