How to edit your Index Page (Export Game Page)

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Published on 1 May, 2012. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hello, Jesse Jarvis here (Azden/Equinox80).

This is just a short and sweet tutorial, I would like to show people how they can add html code to their game's web page!

Step 1.

Locate your Scirra Construct 2 Game Folder (For ex. Mine is located in D:/Construct 2 whereas most should be around C:/Program Files/Scirra/Construct 2/ I would assume.)

Step 2.

Inside that folder, navigate into "./exporters/html5" (So for example "C:/Program Files/Scirra/Construct 2/exporters/html5".

Step 3.

Backup export.html (or the appropriate html file depending on if you are using webapps/etc or not) and then edit export.html with your favorite Text Editor, I use Notepad++ and/or Dreamweaver to edit my html files (For a simple html page, look at the other export pages for other types of files, like web apps and such.

Step 4.

While in the export.html, add your code. If you have google analytics, add it before </head> if you have general code (I added a Wibiya toolbar) add it before </body>.

Congratulations, you have made it so whenever you export your game, it contains additional code for your game's embedded web page.

Look forward to more tutorials from me as I learn Scirra Construct 2 - My favorite game editor yet!

A link to more information regarding this subject is here: Note: At the time of writing this tutorial, I never knew about this.

PS: If you have any tutorial ideas, post them in the comments please. I am an expert Web Developer.


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