This takes a minute or so. During which my firewall pops up a few times. When away from my desk, cordova times out when waiting.
On success it say's where your debug apk is placed
When i build with android 5.0 as minimal version, the build fails, saying missing dependencies try ‘npm install cordova-custom-config’. When that happens I do the npm install step and then it works (for me)
When building with android 4.1 as minimal version this does not happen? Anybody any idea about why?
Your debug APK is in projectfolder\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug
Building with Crosswolk (minimum version is older then android 5.0)
When you target older platform’s the oldest supported now (april 2018) is android 4.1(API 16), you might run into a recent bug when building: Failed to execute aapt. There is a solution for that. After running cordova requirements go and edit the build.gradle file in yourapp\platforms\android\app, NOT the one in the android folder you pass.
Add the following code between the buildscript and allprojects code.
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force ''
Image of the build.gradle file:
Now build again and you get 5 apk’s
On my old Nexus 7 (second gen) tablet the armv7-debug runs smoother then the universal I got with minimum API version 21.
Now you can test your game on different android devices by side loading it.