Construct2: How to customize the exported HTML5 index.html ?

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Published on 13 Sep, 2011. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Construct 2 can export to HTML5, meaning that your application can be played/executed in last generation browsers.

NOTE: This tutorial is not meant to be an exhaustive or even accurate explanation about HTML.

Just a simple overview oriented around our exported project.

I strongly advise you to take a look at the w3schools HTML tutorials for more.


+ HTML5 what is it ?

....° What is HTML ?....................Page 2

....° And what about this HTML5 ?.......Page 2

....° So what is this article about ?...Page 2

+ C2 and HTML5

I. Understanding what you are given.....Page 2

....° The exported files................Page 2

II. Analysing export.html...............Page 3

III. Analysing a custom index.html......Page 4

+ Quick "How to"

....° Change the background color.......Page 5

....° Put an image as background........Page 5

....° Add a logo........................Page 5

+ Conclusion............................Page 6


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