Hi Friends,
Today I want to show you how to add admob ads easily in your game. I know you will say there are many tutorials telling same but are they working for you? If not (like in my case) Then this tutorial is for you. I m gonna share steps below and video also for telling how to do that.
Download cocoon plugin from internet free
step 1: Add Cocoon ads plugin & add ids of ads from admob
step 2: on start of layout add load interstitial & load banner. Wait for some seconds then show ads like in video I do
Step 3: export as cordova and zip the www folder data
Step 4: after export login to cocoon.io and upload zip file there
step 5: add admob plugin and then compile
step 6: click on compile and wait
step 7: download apk as I do in video
You are done. Hurray. enjoy ads.
Feeling complicated? I have shown it in video. youtube.com/watch